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Case Results

Personal Injury & Workers’ Comp Results from Our Minneapolis Law Firm

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Bicycle & Pedestrian Accidents

$250,000.00 Recovery

Litigation Type: Bike accident (v. auto)
Injury: Femur fracture and traumatic brain injury

An avid 84-year-old female bicyclist was struck by a hit-and-run driver as she was riding into her parking garage. Suffered serious and permanent injuries. Obtained policy limits after protracted litigation.

$250,000.00 Recovery

Litigation Type: Bike accident (v. auto)
Injury: Spinal Fracture, severe lacerations, and traumatic brain injury

A 37-year-old bicyclist was struck by an inattentive driver who failed to yield and hit bicyclist in a designated bike lane.

$240,000.00 Recovery

Litigation Type: Bike accident (v. auto)
Injury: Right Lateral Tibia Plateau Fracture (severe scars)

A 26-year-old bicyclist was struck and then run over by an inattentive driver who failed to yield while exiting a parking ramp. The bicyclist was illuminated and wearing reflective clothing.

$125,000.00 Recovery

Litigation Type: Bike accident (v. auto)
Injury: Right patella fracture, surgical repair of teeth, and permanent scarring.

A 27-year-old bike commuter was struck by an inattentive driver who failed to yield and hit the biker in a designated bike lane.

$90,000.00 Recovery

Litigation Type: Pedestrian
Injury: Ankle fracture and scarring

A 21-year-old woman was crossing the street at an intersection when a driver failed to see her and ran over her ankle.

$85,000.00 Recovery

Litigation Type: Bike accident (v. auto)
Injury: Shattered tibia and fibula of right leg and scarring

A 19-year-old bicyclist was struck by a drunk driver after that driver ran a stop sign.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

$900,000 Recovery

Litigation: Auto Accident
Injury: Humerus fracture, traumatic brain injury, mandible fracture, orbital blowout fracture, dental repair, and extensive scarring

A young woman was hit head on in an intersection by a driver that ran a red light at high speed, while under the influence of drugs.

$245,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Auto Accident
Injury: TBI and spinal injuries

A 25-year-old female and working professional was rear-ended in a motor vehicle crash by a delivery vehicle traveling at high speeds that resulted in our client suffering from a traumatic brain injury as well as spinal injuries.

$190,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Auto Accident
Injury: TBI and neck injury

A 57-year-old limo driver was knocked unconscious during a car accident where a commercial vehicle made an illegal left turn. Our client was unresponsive and needed to be airlifted to Hennepin County Medical Center where he was treated for a traumatic brain injury and neck injury.

$155,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Auto Accident
Injury: Soft tissue and back injuries

A 38-year-old was rear-ended at high speed. His injuries required surgery and long-term treatment.

$130,000 Recovery

Litigation: Auto Accident
Injury: Pelvic fracture, closed head injury and shoulder injury

A young woman was T-boned in an intersection by a driver that ran a red light at high speed.

$125,000 Recovery

Litigation: Auto Accident
Injury: Back fracture, broken ribs and concussion

A 25-year-old was hit by a drunk driver and suffered multiple back fractures that required surgery, broken ribs and a concussion. The victim received policy limit settlements from two insurance carriers.

$105,000 Recovery

Litigation: Auto Accident
Injury: Spinal Injury

A 55-year-old paster suffered a spinal injury when he was T-boned by a distracted driver and received a $105,000 policy limit settlement.

$100,000 Recovery

Litigation: Trucking Accident
Injury: Shoulder injury, neck and back pain, and closed head injury

A 28-year-old man was a passenger in a car when a semi-truck driver failed to yield and side-swiped the car and its occupants.

$75,000 Recovery

Litigation: Auto Accident
Injury: TBI with multiple post-concussive symptoms and soft tissue injuries

35-year-old construction worker was injured as a passenger in a vehicle that T-boned another vehicle at an intersection.

Work Accidents

$2,000,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Workers’ Compensation Claim
Injury: Leg amputation

A 73-year-old Hispanic woman had her leg amputated after suffering an injury at work which was caused by a third party driving a vehicle involved in the accident. We pursued a liability action against the third party that resulted in a $2 million settlement.

$350,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Workers’ Compensation Claim
Injury: Leg

A 35-year-old Hispanic employee suffered multiple leg injuries in a work injury caused by a negligent third party. She was unable to return to her former job responsibilities. We pursued a third-party liability claim on her behalf and recovered $350,000 in additional damages while her worker’s compensation claim remained open.  

$245,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Workers’ Compensation Claim
Injury: Low back

A 62-year-old man suffered a low-back injury at work while acting as a foreman at a warehouse facility. His injury necessitated a spinal stimulator implant and permanent restrictions.

$130,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Workers’ Compensation Claim
Injury: Burned hand

A 60-year-old non-English speaking worker burned his hand on an industrial press used to put labels on glass bottles during his first day of work.

$100,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Workers’ Compensation Claim
Injury: Concussion  

A 38-year-old worker suffered a concussion when a crowbar he was using to lift a grate slipped and smashed him in the face on the runway at the airport.

$100,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Workers’ Compensation Claim
Injury: Low back and right leg

A middle-aged man was injured at work while lifting large pieces of metal pipe. In addition to the settlement, the employer paid all medical bills, as well as rehabilitation and wage-loss benefits totaling over $50,000.00.

$75,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Workers’ Compensation Claim
Injury: Knee and low back injury

A 35-year-old man was injured at work while lifting crates off of a cart when he suffered immediate onset of pain, resulting in a herniated disc. Surgery was recommended and client was placed on light duty for many months until surgery was scheduled.

$65,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Workers’ Compensation Claim
Injury: Knee and low back injury

A middle-aged man was injured on the job when he fell on ice on the job site causing an injury to his wrist. The case was litigated, and a settlement was reached with medical benefits remaining open. In addition to the settlement, the employer paid all medical bills, as well as rehabilitation and wage-loss benefits totaling over $100,000.

Proven Lawsuit Results

$500,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Civil Rights and Police Misconduct
Injury: Trauma and PTSD

An innocent pregnant woman was arrested and illegally shackled while in labor after police mistakenly suspected her husband was involved with a snowblower theft. The trauma caused her to suffer from PTSD and ongoing nightmares.

$350,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Injury: Hypoxic brain injury

A 42-year-old man was exposed to high amounts of carbon monoxide as a result of the negligent installation of a newly installed gas fired boiler, suffering a hypoxic brain injury. Litigation ensued over two years with the engagement of expert medical and liability experts, motions and cross motions, and an eventual settlement prior to trial.

$200,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Carbon Monoxide Exposure
Injury: Death

A 60-year-old woman died from exposure to high amounts of carbon monoxide resulting from a defective installation of a high efficiency gas fired boiler. Extensive litigation took place prior to a settlement with the installer’s insurance carrier.

$145,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Premises Liability
Injury: Concussion

A 50-year-old man was hit by a garage door at a Sam’s Club. Walmart offered him a $15,000 settlement before litigation and $50,000 before trial. We advised him not to settle and took the case to court where the jury awarded him $145,000.

Premises Liability

$187,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Fall from second story
Injury: clavicle fracture, multiple transverse processes fractures, collapsed lung, hematoma, and mild TBI

Severely intoxicated 23-year-old man stepped out of a sliding glass door on the second story of a home, which opened to a 10-foot drop.

$65,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Fall on ice-covered driveway
Injury: Concussion

A 34-year-old woman sustained a concussion when she hit her head after slipping on her driveway that the HOA did not salt.

$60,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Fall on icy stairs
Injury: Knee

A 39-year-old plumber slipped and fell down the stairs at his apartment injuring his knee when his landlord failed to salt the icy stairs.  

$60,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Fall on accumulations of ice
Injury: Ankle fracture and scarring

A 34-year-old woman fell while walking from her car to the entrance of her apartment complex. The fall was caused by the property owner’s failure to remove ice on the sidewalk despite months of complaints and numerous falls from residents and guests.

$52,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Fall on icy sidewalk
Injury: Ankle fracture and scarring

33-year-old woman fell while walking on the sidewalk connecting the entrance of her apartment complex to the parking lot.


Litigation Type: Deck Collapse
Injury: Concussion

53-year-old man fell and hit his head after a deck collapsed.

$35,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Fall on sidewalk
Injury: Wrist fracture and scarring

A 28-year old female fell while exiting her apartment building as a result of a property owner’s failure to remove ice and snow from the sidewalks despite repeated complaints by tenants of the building.

Motorcycle Accidents

$130,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Motorcycle Crash
Injury: Rotator cuff tear and concussion

35-year-old motorcyclist suffered a rotator cuff tear and concussion when a negligent driver made an illegal U-turn causing a crash.

$110,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Motorcycle Crash
Injury: Concussion, broken leg and broken heel

A 40-year-old male motorcyclist received a $110,000 settlement from the policy limits from three separate insurance carriers when he was pushed into a parked car and suffered a concussion, broken heel and a broken leg.

$60,000 Recovery

Litigation Type: Motorcycle Crash
Injury: Soft tissue injuries, concussion, hematoma

34-year-old woman was thrown from a motorcycle driven by her boyfriend when he lost control on a gravel road. (Note: Policy limits obtained from two separate insurance carriers.)