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The Latest Articles from Our Minneapolis Personal Injury Law Firm Blog

Wrongful Death Claims: When Time is of the Essence

This week I am going to address a topic which we as fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, or relatives of any kind hope we never have to deal with: wrongful death cases. When writing about these cases, I can’t help but think of my wife and son and find it impossible to describe how I would feel if I lost either of them.

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Goals for 2013

Now, some people use Newsletters to tell you what to look out for, what to buy, how they can help you and what is going to be the “game changer” in 2013. Aside from a few newsworthy legal tidbits that may be of some interest to you, I for one, am not going to try to sell you the quick fix for 2013.

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Holiday Greeting

Happy holidays from our team at the Law Offices of Daniel J. Brazil, P.A. The holidays are a special time for us to say thank you to all of our present and past clients and let you each know how honored we are to work with you, and assist you in your legal matters.

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Deferred Action

El 15 de agosto, 2012, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional comenzó a recibir solicitudes del orden ejecutivo de Presidente Obama que permite inmigrantes que llegaron a los Estados Unidos sin inspección a recibir un permiso de trabajo y diferir la deportación. Ese proceso se llama “Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia.” Aunque Acción Diferida no provee un estatus legal ni es un vehículo hacia la residencia permanente o a la ciudadanía como el “Dream Act,” los individuos que reciban acción diferida no serán removidos de los Estados Unidos por un período de dos años, sujeto a renovación, y podrán también solicitar autorización de empleo.

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Distracted Drivers – Think Before You Text!

I am stopped at a light on Hennepin on my way home with by 3 year old son chatting away about his busy day at daycare, when I glance over beside me and the person directly to my left is texting up a storm. The driver in front of me is on the phone, and the one behind me is either a) picking his nose with his phone or b) clearly getting ready to make a call. I am pinned in! What is going on with today’s drivers?

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Navigating the Social and Legal Norms of Hispanic Culture

I will never forget the moment I passed through customs in the Juan Santamaria International Airport in Costa Rica.  Sure, I knew the basic verb tenses and common phrases such as “buenos dias”, “muy bien”, “tengo hambre”, and “bienvenidos”, but I quickly realized that wasn’t going to be enough to navigate the country.  Luckily, in the chaos I saw my host family holding a sign, rescuing me from trying to use my useless Spanish vocabulary.

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Wrongful Death Claims: When Time is of the Essence

This week I am going to address a topic which we as fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, or relatives of any kind hope we never have to deal with: wrongful death cases. When writing about these cases, I can’t help but think of my wife and son and find it impossible to describe how I would feel if I lost either of them.

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Goals for 2013

Now, some people use Newsletters to tell you what to look out for, what to buy, how they can help you and what is going to be the “game changer” in 2013. Aside from a few newsworthy legal tidbits that may be of some interest to you, I for one, am not going to try to sell you the quick fix for 2013.

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Holiday Greeting

Happy holidays from our team at the Law Offices of Daniel J. Brazil, P.A. The holidays are a special time for us to say thank you to all of our present and past clients and let you each know how honored we are to work with you, and assist you in your legal matters.

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Deferred Action

El 15 de agosto, 2012, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional comenzó a recibir solicitudes del orden ejecutivo de Presidente Obama que permite inmigrantes que llegaron a los Estados Unidos sin inspección a recibir un permiso de trabajo y diferir la deportación. Ese proceso se llama “Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia.” Aunque Acción Diferida no provee un estatus legal ni es un vehículo hacia la residencia permanente o a la ciudadanía como el “Dream Act,” los individuos que reciban acción diferida no serán removidos de los Estados Unidos por un período de dos años, sujeto a renovación, y podrán también solicitar autorización de empleo.

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Distracted Drivers – Think Before You Text!

I am stopped at a light on Hennepin on my way home with by 3 year old son chatting away about his busy day at daycare, when I glance over beside me and the person directly to my left is texting up a storm. The driver in front of me is on the phone, and the one behind me is either a) picking his nose with his phone or b) clearly getting ready to make a call. I am pinned in! What is going on with today’s drivers?

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Navigating the Social and Legal Norms of Hispanic Culture

I will never forget the moment I passed through customs in the Juan Santamaria International Airport in Costa Rica.  Sure, I knew the basic verb tenses and common phrases such as “buenos dias”, “muy bien”, “tengo hambre”, and “bienvenidos”, but I quickly realized that wasn’t going to be enough to navigate the country.  Luckily, in the chaos I saw my host family holding a sign, rescuing me from trying to use my useless Spanish vocabulary.

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