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group of cyclists safely biking on a road

Everything You Need to Know About Minnesota Bike Laws

Whether you’re cycling to work or spending your weekend on the trail, it’s important to know the rules and regulations set forth by Minnesota for cyclists. Although very similar to motor vehicle rules, there are a few unique exceptions.

What’s Considered a Bicycle in Minnesota?

According to Minnesota Statute 169.011, a bicycle means “every device capable of being propelled solely by human power upon which any person may ride, having two tandem wheels, and including any device generally recognized as a bicycle though equipped with two front or rear wheels.”

This definition also includes any electric-assisted bicycles. In Minnesota, a bicycle isn’t considered a motor vehicle because it is not self-propelled.

Bike Laws You Must Know as a Minnesota Cyclist

As a Minnesota cyclist using a vehicle as defined above, there are certain laws you must follow to keep yourself and others safe while sharing the road.

Basic Traffic Rules for All Cyclists

Just like motor vehicles, it’s critical that cyclists pay attention while on the road and follow basic traffic rules:

  • Always check your breaks before cycling.
  • Obey all the same traffic rules as motorists.
  • Follow all traffic signs and signals including stoplights.
  • Signal before moving onto a roadway or public road.
  • Always ride to the right-hand side of the road, unless weather conditions make it unsafe to do so or if you’re passing another vehicle.
  • Give an arm signal at 100 feet or more for each turn you make.
  • When riding on a sidewalk, you must yield the right of way to pedestrians.
  • Do not impede traffic while riding in groups.
  • Do not carry more passengers than your bike will hold.

As a cyclist, you should always wear a helmet to protect yourself from injuries resulting from bike accidents. In Minnesota, you must also wear the appropriate lighting and reflectors to operate your bicycle at night. Failure to comply with traffic rules may result in traffic violations and fines.

The Red Light Rule

Cyclists will have a difficult time turning a red light green at a stoplight due to weight. In Minnesota, it’s legal to run the red light as long as the light remains red for an unreasonable amount of time. The cyclists must come to a complete stop and proceed only if no motor vehicle is approaching.

Insurance for Bicycles in Minnesota

In Minnesota, cyclists have coverage under their no-fault car insurance policy. You’ll receive coverage for medical and wage loss expenses from the no-fault insurance you’re required to have. If you don’t have auto insurance, you’ll use the insurance of a family member who lives with you. If this does not apply, you’ll then need to pursue a claim for no-fault coverage against the at-fault driver’s insurance.

Do You Have More Questions About Minnesota Bike Laws?

Minnesota bike laws exist to protect you and other individuals on the road. To learn more about our bike laws or for answers to your questions, send us a message.
