Holiday Greeting

 In Law Firm Updates

Happy holidays from our team at the Law Offices of Daniel J. Brazil, P.A.  The holidays are a special time for us to say thank you to all of our present and past clients and let you each know how honored we are to work with you, and assist you in your legal matters.

In the first issue of our e-Newsletter, we will be announcing our office move to The Clifton Mansion near downtown Minneapolis, our newest legal assistant Rosie Guzman, and inviting you to visit our web site to learn more about how we can better assist you or someone you know.

Each holiday season, we honor our clients by making a donation to an organization that helps individuals and families in need.  This year we have elected to make a donation to the Joyce Food Shelf.

I made a big decision this year and you are seeing it firsthand.  I decided to forego sending out personal holiday greeting cards and instead embrace the electronic age and use our first e-Newsletter to wish all of our clients, friends, and colleagues a wonderful holiday season and promise-filled New Year.  And as much as I dislike change, being the creature of habit that I am, I am rather excited about our law firm’s e-Newsletter and all the change that the New Year is about to bring to our team and our clients.

When I first started out on my own as a young attorney 12 years ago, I never thought I would meet so many interesting and amazing individuals, families and professionals.  Starting a solo practice was not easy and many times I wondered what I was doing and whether it would really develop into a boutique law firm.  But thanks to those of you who trusted me with your very important legal issues, my small practice has grown, and so has my passion for helping people.  Each year, I have been profoundly impacted by the clients I represented, who oftentimes faced very serious challenges, such as a catastrophic injury, family crisis, or business challenges that could not have been foreseen. What I have learned from my clients, and continue to learn, is that the human spirit is an incredible thing.  That even in spite of human tragedy, or crisis, or day-to-day business matters, my clients have taught me how  to rise above and overcome whatever obstacle lies before them.  I am extremely grateful and honored to each of you for entrusting me with your case, situation, or legal matter.

Our team will continue to advocate for justice, and I will continue to provide each client personal attention, access to complete legal resources, and the latest in technological advances.

I hope that each of you can take some time to slow down over the holidays and spend time with family and friends.  We all move so fast, have so much to juggle and often get lost in our respective work lives, that it is an important time to reflect on all that is important to us and that what we are grateful for.  Happy Holidays and best wishes in 2013!


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